In general, the website ( should have all non-student-ID relevant info of the course (like the schedule, the lecture notes, homework sheets, etc.) and the moodle site should only have student-ID relevant things (such as group-building, submission of homeworks, reaktionsblaetter, grades, and so on). For the websites: ================= 1. My web address is - Schedule * Add also weeks with only holidays - At the beginning update: * Administration: course number, instructors, emails, office hours, ta, meeting place, meeting time For Moodle: =========== - Deadlines * If you want to end a deadline at midnight, use 23:55 and not 00:00 (I don't think 23:59 is possible) - For the required Reading (i.e. the Vis course) * Have a separate grading for each day a reading is possible. * provide a separate forum and one topic for each reading assignment - Reaction sheets * Have 2 grading entries -- one for the first half of the course and one for the second half * Provide Reaktionsblaetter for every day there is a lecture * Use only the date as name (not the topic or something like that) * No Reaktionsblaetter for milestone days * make sure they become inaccessible 5/3 days after class (time start of the lecture + 5/3 days) * every student should be able to see them * they should NOT be anonymous - Grading * it is tricky to set up the grading properly. There are two numbers: a) the number of points on the test P b) the worthyness (percentage) of the overall grade in the course Try to set things up such that P is 100 by default, with an easy way of changing that. Properly set up the percentage of the overall grade. - when we establish groups * make sure you create these groups in moodle!