Readings & Ressources

Required book for the course:

The reason we have been teaching based on Angel's book for several years now has been the fact, that it helps the student to understand OpenGL, which is one of the most important graphics standards there is. Most of you, when you go off to industry and have to do graphics will encounter OpenGL code. We hope, that latest at that time you will benefit from the exposure of this course and in particular this book. The newest edition relies on WebGL, a new web-based technology to enabling rendering within a browser.

Additional resources

The drawback is that Angel's book is not 'complete'. One of the most relied upon graphics books has been:

If there is any book, that can replace Hughes et al., it ought to be the one by Marschner and Shirley. There are a number of people who really like it and I can only highly recommend it:

Last, but not least, a great companion for all questions regarding 'OpenGL' is the SuperBible:

Make sure to check out at least the fifth edition, since only that edition will cover the new OpenGL (after release 3.x).