050009 VU Introduction to Computer Graphics

Torsten Möller
Office: Währinger Str. 29 / 3.35
Office Hours: Tue + Thu 14:45 - 15:30 (or by appointment)
Phone: 79010
Email: torsten DOT moeller AT univie DOT ac DOT at

Mike Phillips
Office: Währinger Str. 29 / 3.46
Office Hours: Tue + Thu 14:45 - 15:30 (or by appointment)
Phone: 79022
Email: michael DOT phillips AT univie DOT ac DOT at
Teaching Assistants:
Sebastian Klaassen
Email: sebastian DOT klaassen AT univie DOT ac DOT at

Michael Trosin
Email: michael DOT trosin AT univie DOT ac DOT at
Meeting place: Hörsaal 3
Meeting time: Tue + Thu 13:15 - 14:45

Forum: There is a forum at CEWebS.
(Note: Please make use of the forum. Help each other, but don't copy homework!)