
Due Date: Oct 30 (23:55)

Project criminal travel analysis


For this assignment let's build a dashboard that will help to figure out the correlation between people's travel and the crimes they commit. We want to answer questions such as do people from out of town commit certain types of crimes or do people from different towns commit certain crimes? To answer these we'll build a dashboard-style system consisting of a spatial map view along with some basic plots. These will all be linked interactively using brushing and linking. For this assignment we'll be using the same dataset as in A1.

design sketch


For this project first think about the tasks you want to accomplish. Here are some but you will probably come up with more:


Your final dash board should consist of four panes like the example image: a map view with bundled edges showing where the criminals are from and where they're going to (Urbana), a timeline view showing the distribution of crimes over time, a histogram chart to show distributions of one parameter, and a scatterplot view to show distributions of two parameters.

You may develop your dashboard however you want but we have provided an order to the features below to help guide you.

  1. Ensure that you can load the data properly into d3
  2. Make the map view of the area surrounding Urbana, IL with edges showing where the people come from to commit crimes
  3. Implement the timeline histogram view
  4. Implement the bar graph histogram showing the overall distribution of crimes
  5. Implement the scatterplot showing the distribution of when the crime occured (x-axis) and the distance to Urbana (y-axis)
  6. Add a tooltip when highlighting cities on the map showing a histogram of the types of crimes from that city.
  7. Time for interaction! :) Set up a year filter so that if you click in the timeline view it will filter the year. Ideally you should be able to scrub in the year histogram and have the filter update
  8. Add a brush filter to the scatterplot and bar graph to only show edges corresponding to the selected points/bars.

Since the focus is on learning how to make interactions with d3, you may use the edge bundling and tooltip libraries that comes with d3 but you must ask us beforehand if you want to use any other libraries.

Submission instructions

Please submit a folder containing an index.html file which will open the dashboard view, the data file, and a readme describing what you did, why, and the data source(s) you used, as well as any other associated files to moodle. Please be sure if you submit a zip or tar.gz file that it properly unzips the files into a directory. It's a good idea to try unzipping your file before submitting it to ensure that everything unzips properly and you don't lose points. Use the following naming scheme for your submission: "matrikelnumber_A3.zip". When we grade your work we will run

python -m SimpleHTTPServer
in the directory and then open index.html. So please ensure that your visualization works correctly under those conditions. Also, please make sure that you include your name in the readme file.

Just to be clear, here is a sample directory layout. You do not have to use this exact format but it must be clear which file is your readme, your html page, your data file, and your javascript file.

  | README.md
  | index.html
  | d3.min.js
  | vis.js
  | style.css
  | data.csv


Rather than grade the assignment based on what features you need to implement and give you a numerical grade based on that, I'm going to define what we want you to learn from the assignment. It's a bit of an experiment but I think it will help to explain why we're asking you to do certain things.

I've broken the learning objectives down by numerical grade, 1 through 5. You will receive the best grade for which you've met all the learning objectives plus all below. Please be aware that that means that if you haven't met some objective for gettting a 3 then you'll get a 4 even if you've completed all the objectives for grade 2. We've structured the objectives so that they build on each other for the most part. So, in order to show that you've learned something for grade 3 then you'll need to show that you've also met all requirements for grade 4 and then some.

Grade 4
Grade 3

all the above plus:

Grade 2

all the above plus:

Grade 1

all the above plus:

Late submission

Late Submissions are possible, yet they will be penalized. Academic Honesty


A selection of helpful JS/d3/mockup tools that may be helpful

Javascript/d3 tutorials

JS programming tools

Mockup tools